Group Commercial Director & Managing Director (Powys)

What do you do at W.Howard?  I am responsible for the Commercial Team at W.Howard & Powys, which includes Sales, Marketing, Estimating and purchasing.


When did you join W.Howard? March 2018


What do you most enjoy about working at W.Howard? The people, we have a fantastic team here at W.Howard who all work together so well to deliver a brilliant customer offering at all times.


What is your Favourite Product? The Edwardian Profile from the Period Range.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?  My first ever manager said to me on my first day “You have Two ears, one mouth and ensure you use it in that ratio young man”


What most recently made you smile? My family


Favourite Quote: If you improve by 1% every day, within a year you’ll have improved by 365%


Interesting fact about me: I have driven a Renault Formula 1 racing car with Eric Cantona


Favourite Place: Paris


Favourite Book: Legacy by James Kerr


What was your first job? Paper boy